Archive for the ‘Security’ Category
Replace the SSL Certificate on a Ubiquiti Edge Router Lite
To replace the self signed certifcate with a valid certifcate for the web UI on the Edge Router Lite follow these instructions:
In: Hardware, Security, Tech · Tagged with: ubiquiti
Remove Administrator or a user password in Windows 10 using Kali
If you have locked yourself out of a Windows 10 machine, or have forgotten your password or the administrator password then you can remove that password using one of the tools included with Kali Linux. This obviously won’t work if you Windows disk system is encrypted.
Converting AWS .PEM keys to .PPK for use in Putty
Here are the commands you will need to convert the AWS key so it can be used with Putty. You’ll need to have Puttygen installed. This is part of the default Putty install so shouldn’t be a problem if you have installed Putty under Windows or Linux. To convert the private key: To display the public […]
Command prompt from mspaint
This is an old trick I first saw on a hak5 video, but it’s still a good one. If you find yourself on a locked down system and aren’t able to open a command prompt but do have access to Microsoft’s Paint program then this might be the hack for you 😉
In: Security, Tech, Windows · Tagged with: command prompt, hack
Pseudo Command Prompt
Locked out of using the Command Prompt on Windows? no probs, try this little trick to create a pseudo dos box ..
In: Security · Tagged with: bypass, security