Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category
Command prompt from mspaint
This is an old trick I first saw on a hak5 video, but it’s still a good one. If you find yourself on a locked down system and aren’t able to open a command prompt but do have access to Microsoft’s Paint program then this might be the hack for you 😉
In: Security, Tech, Windows · Tagged with: command prompt, hack
How to remove partitions from a USB stick
If you have a USB stick that has various partitions and you are having trouble removing them from with Windows Disk Management, then you might like to try the following:
Disable complex password requirement on Hyper-V server 2012
I recently experimented with Hyper-V 2012 and found there was no easy way to disable complex passwords, so after searching the net for a while I came across a nice solution that didn’t involve joining and leaving domains and interfering with group policy. Here it is –
In: Windows · Tagged with: complex password, hyper-v
How to clear down winsxs folder in Windows 7
If you have found that you have a folder called winsxs that is eating up gigs and gigs of your C drive, then this command line can free up several of those valuable gigs.
In: Windows · Tagged with: ms-dos, windows 7