Exchange 2010 PowerShell Tips & Snippets
This is a page of various Exchange 2010 Powershell one liners that I use fairly often or want quick access to.
Load Exchange 2010 snappin at the start of a PowerShell script
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
Adding –whatif to the end of most command lines will go through the motions without making any changes. This is very useful for debugging and validating commands
Generate a list of Exchange Servers
Get a list of all Exchange servers, version numbers and roles in the organisation:
Count the number of mailboxes
Get-Mailbox | Group-Object -Property:ServerName | Select-Object name,count
Permissions Admin
For more a detailed look at mailbox permissions see this post
Grant Full Access to a mailbox
Give John Full Access to Fred’s mailbox:
Add-MailboxPermission "Fred" -user "John" -AccessRights FullAccess
Remove access to a mailbox
Remove John’s access to Fred’s mailbox:
remove-MailboxPermission "Fred" -user "John" -AccessRights FullAccess
Grant Send-as permission to a mailbox
Full Access permissions to a mailbox do not grant the Send As permission which is an AD permission. To give John the rights to be able to send e-mail from Fred’s mailbox type:
Add-AdPermission "fred" -user "John" -extendedrights "Send As"
Mailbox Admin
List all databases and mailbox count for Exchange 2010 only.
get-mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(ExchangeVersion -eq '0.10 (')} | Group-Object -Property:Database | Select-Object name,count | ft -AutoSize
* You may need to update the version number depending on your Service Pack and Roll Up level, here is a list
Database Admin
Failover all databases
To failover all the mailbox databases in a DAG to a particular server use the following:
Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -server NewActiveServerName -confirm:$false
Losslessly failover a single database called Maiboxes1 to the server called GOODMBX
Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -Identity 'Mailboxes1' -ActivateOnServer 'GOODMBX' -MountDialOverride 'Lossless'
Redistribute the databases
All databases have a preferred MBX server. To put databases back to their preference:
cd $exscripts ./RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference -confirm:$false
* On a default install $exscripts is set to – C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts )
List all mailbox databases with mailbox count
List all databases with a mailbox count for each. If you have a mixed environment this will include the databases from Exchange 2003 as well.
Get-Mailbox | Group-Object -Property:Database | Select-Object name,count
Detect and repair a mailbox database in the “Failed and Suspended” state
After a mailbox database crash/failure the databases may be in a “failed and suspended” state. To check for this type:
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -server MAILBOXSERVER |?{$_.status -like "Failed*"}
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server MAILBOXSERVER | ?{$_.ContentIndexState -eq "Failed"}
If a failed database is detected it may be necessary to suspend and then reseed the database from the good copy. This example reseeds a failed database called mailboxes1 on the mailbox server that crashed called FailedMBX . It uses the good copy from the DAG server called GoodMBX.
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity "mailboxes1\FailedMBX" Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity "mailboxes1\FailedMBX" -SourceServer GoodMBX -DeleteExistingFiles resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity "mailboxes1\FailedMBX"
Mount or Dismount a mailbox database
Mount a database / public folder –
Mount-Database "public folder database"
Dismount a database:
Dismount-Database "public folder database"
Change the log files location
Move logfiles: (
Move-DatabasePath –Identity "Mailboxes1" –LogFolderPath "T:\Mailboxes1"
OWA (Outlook Web App)
To test Autodiscover is working
To check if autodiscover is working browse to this URL, you will need to substitute CASARRAY for your CAS Array name. If successful you should get a screen of XML.
* standard disclaimer – use this info at your own risk, test in a development environment and ensure you have a back out plan if it all goes wrong. I take no responsibility at all for anything posted in this blog site.
In: Exchange 2010 · Tagged with: command line, DAG, database, Exchange, Exchange 2010, failover, PowerShell, tips