Command prompt from mspaint
This is an old trick I first saw on a hak5 video, but it’s still a good one. If you find yourself on a locked down system and aren’t able to open a command prompt but do have access to Microsoft’s Paint program then this might be the hack for you 😉
- Load mspaint, it should start with a blank canvas
- Use the resize menu option to change the drawing to 6 pixels wide by 1 pixel high.
- Select the pencil drawing tool
- Use the Edit Colours option to create custom colours using the following RGB values:
Pixel 1 = R(10), G(0), B(0)
Pixel 2 = R(13), G(10), B(13)
Pixel 3 = R(100), G(109), B(99)
Pixel 4 = R(120), G(101), B(46)
Pixel 5 = R(0), G(0), B(101)
Pixel 6 = R(0), G(0), B(0) - For each colour you create paint 1 pixel working from left to right.
- The final image should look something like this:
- Now save the picture using the File | Save as option and choose 24-bit Bitmap as the type. i saved it as command.bmp
- Make a copy of the file and rename it to command.bat
- double click the file to run the batch file and you will open a command prompt !
For those of you that trust a stranger to create a file that you will execute on your system, here is a the command.bmp file (right click and save image):
Posted on March 13, 2018 at 23:45 by simon · Permalink
In: Security, Tech, Windows · Tagged with: command prompt, hack
In: Security, Tech, Windows · Tagged with: command prompt, hack