Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category
How to pre-configure a headless Pi-OS Lite MicroSD card
Raspbian has been replaced with Pi-OS and there are 3 flavours, full fat, semi and skimmed. This post will detail a couple of extra files you should create before first boot so that you won’t need to connect a keyboard or monitor.
In: Linux, Raspberry Pi, Tech
Remove Administrator or a user password in Windows 10 using Kali
If you have locked yourself out of a Windows 10 machine, or have forgotten your password or the administrator password then you can remove that password using one of the tools included with Kali Linux. This obviously won’t work if you Windows disk system is encrypted.
Add a static IP to Linux (updated 2017)
To change a Linux system from DHCP to a static IP you need to edit the interfaces file as below.
Add Default Gateway to Linux
Which version of Ubuntu am I running
To find out which version Ubuntu is installed simply type the following in to a console:
CentOS Fixing Error writing fstab Read-only file system
If you’ve accidentally broken your /etc/fstab file and rebooted and found yourself in the repair console. You might run into some issues while trying to fix it.
Mount SMB shares in Ubuntu
Here is a quick guide on how to install CIFS and use it to mount SMB shares (aka Windows shares) in Ubuntu. This is tested on Ubuntu 12.04 but should work on most recent versions as well as other Debian releases.
In: Linux · Tagged with: cifs, linux, mount, shares, smb, Ubuntu, umount
Which is faster iSCSI or NFS when used as an ESXi datastore
I have a QNAP NAS (which is an excellent bit kit by the way), and I have 2 servers running ESXi 4 and 5 respectively. I had some free time tonight so finally got around to setting up both an NFS and an iSCSI datastore on the NAS. I was curious as to which would […]
Change Ubuntu keyboard layout
To change the layout of the keyboard in ubuntu 12.04 use the following command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Change Ubuntu Time or Timezone
It took me a while to figure out how to change the timezone in Ubuntu 12.04. it wasn’t at all intuituve, so to save you the bother here are the commands you’ll need: