Mount SMB shares in Ubuntu
Here is a quick guide on how to install CIFS and use it to mount SMB shares (aka Windows shares) in Ubuntu. This is tested on Ubuntu 12.04 but should work on most recent versions as well as other Debian releases.
First off you need to open a shell and elevate yourself to root, or alternatively you can add the word sudo in front of all of these commands.
install CIFS
apt-get install cifs-utils
now that CIFS-Utils are installed we need to create a directory that we can mount the share to. So in my case I will create a new folder in the /media folder called sharename:
mkdir /media/sharename
next we can run the following command to mount the SMB share to our new folder. :
mount.cifs // /media/sharename/ -o user=user,pass=password
in this example:
- is the IP of the server that has the shared folder.
- sharename is the name of the share
- /media/sharename is the folder we created earlier as a mount point
- Lastly I am specifiying the username and password of a user that has access to the SMB share.
to unmount the share we can simply type:
umount /media/sharename
This is all fine for occasional mounting and unmounting but what if we want certain shares to be mounted at boot time? No problem.
Edit your /etc/fstab fiile (carefully) to add an entry for the share:
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-bak vi /etc/fstab
add the following to the bottom of the file:
// /media/sharename cifs username=username,password=password 0 0
At next system startup the drive should be mounted automatically. additional as the entry is now in our fstab file we don’t need to remember the whole command line and can simply type the following to mount the share.
mount /media/sharename
We could also use the file_mod eand dir_mode options to set the share permissions:
// /media/sharename cifs rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=username,password=password 0 0
This is all just scratching the surface or SMBFS and CIFS in Linux..
In: Linux · Tagged with: cifs, linux, mount, shares, smb, Ubuntu, umount
on 19 May 2013 at 0:24
· Permalink
works a treat, cheers.