T-SQL Example code: Database Management
Here is some code that Iv’e found useful for managing databases:
List all Databases
To display all DBs except mirrors with size
To display all databases including mirrors
SELECT name FROM sys.sysdatabases order by name
Alternatively this might work
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?; PRINT DB_NAME()'
Show name, size and files for all database and logfiles in descending size order
SELECT name, SIZE, filename FROM sysaltfiles ORDER BY SIZE DESC
Renaming a Database
USE Master GO ALTER DATABASE DatabaseName SET Single_User WITH rollback immediate GO sp_renamedb 'DatabaseName' , 'DatabaseName_old' GO ALTER DATABASE DatabaseName_old SET Multi_User WITH rollback immediate GO
Find size of Database files
use tempdb select name,(size*8/1000) as FileSizeMB, physical_name as FileLocation from sys.database_files
Move database files using detach & attach
Backup the databases that you are moving and the Master database. Example here uses a fictitious Db called DS32
verify locations –
use ds32 go sp_helpfile go
Detach the database
use ds32 go sp_helpfile go
move the actual files
Reattach the files
use master go sp_detach_db 'ds32' go
Verify the locations have changed
use master go sp_attach_db 'ds32','D:\DS32.mdf','D:\DS32_log.LDF' go
Truncate a Transactionlog and Shrink DB
use vsphere backup log DatabaseName with truncate_only go DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'DatabaseName_log' , 0, TRUNCATEONLY) go
Get percent complete whilst shrinking
SELECT percent_complete, start_time, status, command, estimated_completion_time, cpu_time, total_elapsed_time FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
Posted on July 12, 2012 at 23:37 by simon · Permalink
In: SQL · Tagged with: database, drop, exec, rename, shrink, size, sp_database, table, truncate
In: SQL · Tagged with: database, drop, exec, rename, shrink, size, sp_database, table, truncate